Reggae must be lived, not played. It is a lifebeat everytime, mon - Peter Tosh


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Dub for Ladies: Haris Pilton

17 April 2024

Dub za dame: Haris Pilton predstavlja glasbeni poklon nežnejšemu spolu Producent in umetnik Haris Pilton nas razvaja z novim glasbenim biserom – “Dub for Ladies” (Dub za dame).

Tom Spirals se sreča z Earth & Power

11 March 2024

Earth & Power Records predstavlja svoje novo sodelovanje z Tomom Spiralsom, preprosto poimenovano “Tom Spirals se sreča z Earth & Power”. Na eni strani Tom Spirals, pevec in avtor pesmi iz Škotske; na drugi strani pa Dub Foundry, francoski producent in ustanovitelj založbe Earth & Power Records. Dva umetnika se poznata že skoraj 10 let […]

SiTi HLAPCi – 25. let reggae glasbe

18 December 2023

Siti Hlapci, vrhunska reggae dub dancehall skupina s slovenskim koreninami, z navdušenjem oznanja praznovanje svoje 25. obletnice od prvega nepozabnega nastopa.

Greg Even, Buda, Jaydi Zavala – Something In The Air

3 December 2023

Greg Even v sodelovanju z Budo (Elvis Jackson) in Jaydi Zavala predstavlja svež EP, poln pozitivnih vibracij Slovenski glasbenik Greg Even, pravi umetnik z umetniškim imenom Gregor Treven, je skupaj z Davidom Kovšco, bolje znanem kot Buda, frontmanom skupine Elvis Jackson, in mlado ameriško pevko Jaydi Zavala, ustvaril nov EP – Something in the Air. […]

Roots In Session – 20 Let Kus Kus Energije

10 October 2023

V svetu glasbe so določeni zvoki nekaj več kot le note in besedila. Za tiste, ki so že pred dvajsetimi leti stopili na oder, so ti zvoki postali življenjski slog.

Skarra Mucci – Perfect Timing

10 October 2023

Skarra Mucci predstavlja svoj novi album, “Perfect Timing”, oda reggae glasbi vseh obdobij,

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Bramma blog

Rototom 2024 – Festival Report

5 September 2024

writen by Polona   I first visited the Rototom Sunsplash Festival in 2009, when it was still in Italy, in the small town of Ossopo. It was also their 16th and last edition in Italy, as they decided to exodus due to the political tightening and found refuge in the Spanish coastal town of Benicàssim […]

DESTINY : Brand new album by Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry

7 September 2023

Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry meets the new generation of Jamaican artists for his album Destiny   The legend’s new album produced by Bob Riddim will be out September 8th Grammy-winning reggae legend Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry and Grammy-nominated producer Bob Riddim present their eagerly awaited album Destiny. Recorded in the final year of Scratch’s life, Destiny is […]

Dre Ja – Processor

5 June 2023

A song produced by Badberchin Production and delivered by Dre Ja, an artist, producer, writer, and composer. Dre Ja’s music showcases his extensive knowledge and his ability to create potent and impactful songs. Among his repertoire, the song “Processor” stands out as an extraordinary piece.

Haris pilton - not granted riddim

Haris Pilton & Digitron Sound System – NOT GRANTED RIDDIM ALBUM

7 June 2022

A fresh musical collaboration between Slovenian producer Haris Pilton and Croatian Digitron Sound System is finally out!!!

Banana Zvuk Legaliziraj Remixes EP pre-orders available now

13 April 2022

Banana Zvuk Legaliziraj Remixes EP is available now for pre-orders! Legaliziraj Remixes EP will, in the tradition of reggae and sound system culture, appear as a set of 7” vinyl singles in 2 different variants: original + remix on 8 individual 7 ”singles  box with five 7” singles, which contains the original + 8 remixes

deepend 11lp

DubDiggerz presents 11 LP

12 April 2022

When Mark Divjak and Daniel Grintal stormed the Slovenian music scene as DubDiggerz, dubstep music in Slovenia was still in its infancy. The impact of their production had left marks and widely opened a path for youths to follow. Their passion for bass music is contagious, and the effort they put into production has been […]

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