Reggae must be lived, not played. It is a lifebeat everytime, mon - Peter Tosh

Jamajka: Ples barv, ritmov in ljubezni
Nazadnje sem napisal tri članke o Jamajki – Ljudje, Glasba in Strah. Tokrat jih ne bom. Verjetno. Jamajka je zame več kot le destinacija. Je potovanje v srce glasbe, kulture in ljudi. Je kraj, kjer se čas ustavi, kjer se težave razblinijo, kjer se sreča najde v preprostosti. In čeprav se spodnji zapis […]

Druga edicija Sea Sound Festivala: Prva imena in zvočni sistemi razkriti
Poletna pustolovščina zvočnih sistemov ob Jadranu se nadaljuje!

Slovenija zastopana v globalnem glasbenem projektu: Dalmatian Melos na albumu International Artists Project
Pred kratkim je izšel eden najambicioznejših glasbenih projektov, International Artists Project, Part 2, na katerem je svojo državo zastopal tudi slovenski glasbenik – D.J. L.T

Madelaine in Max Romeo predstavljata pesem “Send The Praises Up”
Madelaine, italijanska glasbenica, ki živi in ustvarja na Jamajki, predstavlja svoj novi singel Send The Praises Up v sodelovanju z legendo roots reggaeja, Maxom Romeom. Pesem je izšla pri njenem novem glasbenem labelu Jah Wheel Records.

Ko se Haris Pilton, neustrašen dub producent, sooči z invazijo zlobnih zombi robotov iz vesolja, postanejo njegove ROBO-DUB ritme edina obramba pred uničenjem Zemlje.

Haris Pilton: “Dubwise Creation”
Stopite v svet stare šole duba z novim albumom “Dubwise Creation” glasbenika Haris Pilton. Gre za glasbeno popotovanje skozi bogate zvočne pokrajine zlate dobe reggaeja, kjer se klasične dub tehnike prepletajo s Piltonovim unikatnim in sodobnim pridihom. Album “Dubwise Creation” prinaša posebno izkušnjo za vse, ne glede na to, ali ste dolgoletni ljubitelj duba ali […]
Bramma blog

Tom Spirals – An Dannsa Dub
Legend has it, that two musicians were taken awa’ by the faeries to play for them at their ceilidh dance. When the pair returned hame, naebody believed where they had been! All they had to prove it was a new collection of otherworldly tunes they had learned! These very same tunes are now available […]

Koneski – Judgment Day LP // MSRLP001
Yet once again Massive! Sound records turn towards Koneski for their new release, and rightfully so. Young producer and selector from Slovenia is regularly showcasing his talent for Massive! label and every release turns out better and better. It seems like they are growing together and hopefully, we will see lots of releases in […]

The new album Roba of Banana Zvuk has arrived
Banana Zvuk’s new album has arrived on the market, and their unique material Roba is finally ready for consumption. The album Roba is a collection of original songs by Banana Zvuk, which were created as a result of collaborations over the past few years. Roba is opened by the title song in which they hosted […]

OverJam Festival 2021 – program
Taking place in Tolmin (Slovenia) from 5 to 8 August Foto: Črt Piksi Everything is ready for the ninth edition of the OverJam International Reggae Festival to be held in Tolmin (Slovenia) from 5 to 8 August 2021. Three days of programming with concerts, sound system and numerous daytime activities. On the first evening at the […]

Sassja and RootsInSession – Ljubi Seka
Sassja and RootsInSession join forces for the new hit single “Ljubi seka”

RootsInSession release new single “Lockdown” feat. Buda
After the successful first single Musicman, a result of the debut collaboration between RootsInSession and Tadiman, RootsInSession continue their mission with the riddim album,