Reggae must be lived, not played. It is a lifebeat everytime, mon - Peter Tosh
Roots in the Woods 2024 – kralj je umrl. Naj živi kralj.
Edini slovenski reggae festival Slogan, na katerega je letos stavil Roots in the Woods Festival (v nadaljevanju RITWF). To ni le privilegij, je tudi odgovornost, ki jo je treba znati prevzeti na svoja pleča.
Pripravila: Polona Rototom Sunsplash sem prvič obiskala leta 2009, ko se je še odvijal v Italiji v malem mestecu Ossopo. To je bilo tudi njihova 16. in zadnja edicija v Italiji, saj so zaradi zaostritev v politiki odločili za eksodus in leta 2010 našli zatočišče v španskem obmorskem mestu Benicasim. Zahvaljujoč tolerantnejši španski politiki, […]
Pobeg v naravo ob zvokih reggaeja: Roots in the Woods
Razkrit program festivala Roots in the Woods Ljubitelj reggae glasbe, veseli se
Rototom Sunsplash 2024: “Moč utopije – vizija boljše družbe”
Rototom 2024: Praznovanje Reggae Kulture in Utopije Rototom Sunsplash je eden največjih in najuglednejših reggae festivalov v Evropi. Leta 2024 bo festival praznoval 29. obletnico z edicijo, ki bo potekala od 16. do 21. avgusta v Benicàssimu v Španiji. Festival ponuja več kot le glasbo; obiskovalci lahko uživajo v širokem naboru kulturnih dejavnosti, razprav, delavnic […]
Jamajške vibracije v Burgenlandu – One Love Festival 2024 ONE LOVE FESTIVAL se vrača s svojo izdajo 2024, ki jo z nestrpnostjo pričakujejo, prvi konec tedna v avgustu. V petek, 2. avgusta, in soboto, 3. avgusta
Roots in the Woods Festival 2024
Festival Roots in the Woods: praznik glasbe, umetnosti in narave v srcu Pohorja Festival Roots in the Woods, ki ga od 22. do 24. avgusta 2024 organizirajo prijatelji in ljubitelji festivalske kulture iz Slovenije
Bramma blog
Tom Spirals – An Dannsa Dub
Legend has it, that two musicians were taken awa’ by the faeries to play for them at their ceilidh dance. When the pair returned hame, naebody believed where they had been! All they had to prove it was a new collection of otherworldly tunes they had learned! These very same tunes are now available […]
Koneski – Judgment Day LP // MSRLP001
Yet once again Massive! Sound records turn towards Koneski for their new release, and rightfully so. Young producer and selector from Slovenia is regularly showcasing his talent for Massive! label and every release turns out better and better. It seems like they are growing together and hopefully, we will see lots of releases in […]
The new album Roba of Banana Zvuk has arrived
Banana Zvuk’s new album has arrived on the market, and their unique material Roba is finally ready for consumption. The album Roba is a collection of original songs by Banana Zvuk, which were created as a result of collaborations over the past few years. Roba is opened by the title song in which they hosted […]
OverJam Festival 2021 – program
Taking place in Tolmin (Slovenia) from 5 to 8 August Foto: Črt Piksi Everything is ready for the ninth edition of the OverJam International Reggae Festival to be held in Tolmin (Slovenia) from 5 to 8 August 2021. Three days of programming with concerts, sound system and numerous daytime activities. On the first evening at the […]
Sassja and RootsInSession – Ljubi Seka
Sassja and RootsInSession join forces for the new hit single “Ljubi seka”
RootsInSession release new single “Lockdown” feat. Buda
After the successful first single Musicman, a result of the debut collaboration between RootsInSession and Tadiman, RootsInSession continue their mission with the riddim album,