Roots in the Woods jammin in Channel Zero
A series of pre-parties for the Roots in the woods festival ‘Jammin in’, this time in the capital with guests.
The festival will take place for the sixth time, the third year in a row, at the idyllic location in Pohorje, Sveti Trije Kralji – Ski Resort, between August 22. and 24.8. 2024. In three days, more than 50 domestic and foreign creators of reggae and related music genres will perform.
As part of Jammin in’ pre-parties, where we connect lovers of reggae and sound system culture, the Roots in the woods crew is stopping in Ljubljana…
Peacemessenjah instagram.com/peacemessenjahsoundsystem/
3 Kings soundcloud.com/3kingssoundstation
Rasga soundcloud.com/rasgatharah
3 Kings soundcloud.com/3kingssoundstation
Rasga soundcloud.com/rasgatharah
…where they host local dub/reggae producers and selectors:
Both are preparing fresh material of their own production. The Roots Reggae/ Dub session will be enriched by Leo on the trumpet. A possible hidden guest will join us. Welcome!
Entrance fee: €10
Serija prepartijev za Roots in the woods festival ‘Jammin in’ tokrat v prestolnici z gosti.
Festival se bo letos odvil že šestič, tretje leto zapored na idilični lokaciji na Pohorju, Sveti Trije Kralji – Ski Resort in sicer med 22.8. in 24.8. 2024. V treh dneh se bo zvrstilo več kot 50 domačih in tujih ustvarjalcev reggaeja in sorodnih glasbenih žanrov.
V okviru prepartijev Jammin in’, kjer povezujemo ljubitelje reggae in sound system kulture se Roots in the woods crew tokrat ustavlja v Ljubljani, kjer gosti lokalna dub/reggae producenta in selektorja:
Oba pripravljata svež material lastne produkcije. Roots Reggae/ Dub seanso bo popestril Leu na trobenti. Pridružil pa se nam bo morebitni skriti gost. Vabljeni!
Vstopnina: 10 €