Z veseljem sporoΔamo, da nadaljujemo niz ogrevalnih preparty-jev za Roots in the Woods festival. Tokrat bomo v MC Patriot gostili Bunno in Pabla Rasterja.

π½πͺπ£π£π se je glasbeno rodil leta 1981, ko je skupaj z Madaskim ustanovil Africa Unite. Od takrat je izdal 16 albumov in odigral na tisoΔe koncertov po vsem svetu. Poleg skupine Africa Unite je bil kot basist del projekta Giuliano Palma & The Bluebeaters od leta 1994 do 2006. V zadnjih letih, Δeprav dejavnost z Africa Unite ostaja njegov glavni projekt, je del Double Trouble, akustiΔnega Marleyjevega poklona /projekta, kjer obΔasno vpelje DJ sete, kjer raziskuje in poglablja razliΔne evolucije in vidike ΕΎanrov, ki izvirajo iz Jamajke.

ππππ‘π€ πππ¨π©ππ§ je produciral veΔ kot 20 albumov in izvedel veΔ kot 1000 koncertov v Italiji in tujini. Odgovoren je tudi za desetine remiksov in sinhronizacij za italijanske in mednarodne izvajalce. Igral je kot dubmaster za Marcella Colemana. Njegov live dub set je meΕ‘anica njegove lastne elektronske produkcije, zaΔinjene z delayjem, reverbom, phaserjem, sirenami in filtri, zaradi katerih je njegov Ε‘ov vsakiΔ edinstven in neponovljiv.

Ogrevali in ohlajali nas bodo naΕ‘i Rasgatharah in Peacemessenjah Soundsytem.

We are happy to announce that we are continuing the series of warm-up preparties for the Roots in the Woods festival. This time we will be hosting Bunna and Pablo Raster at MC Patriot.

π½πͺπ£π£π was born musically in 1981 when he founded Africa Unite together with Madaski. Since then he has released 16 albums and played thousands of concerts around the world. In addition to Africa Unite, he was part of the Giuliano Palma & The Bluebeaters project as bassist from 1994 to 2006. In recent years, although the activity with Africa Unite remains his main project, he is part of Double Trouble, an acoustic Marley tribute/project where he occasionally proposes DJ sets where he explores and deepens the various evolutions and facets of the Jamaican originating genres.

ππππ‘π€ πππ¨π©ππ§ produced over 20 albums and performed more than 1000 concerts in Italy and abroad. He is also responsible for dozens of remixes and dubs for Italian and international artists. He played as dubmaster for Marcello Coleman. His live dub set is a mix of his own electronic productions spiced with delay, reverb, phaser, sirens and filters that make the show unique and unrepeatable every time. When you see Pablo jumping and editing tracks, you will not resist to move your feet.

The home team Rasgatharah in Peacemessenjah Soundsytem will take care of the warm up.

Vstopnina // Tickets: 5 β¬