21.9. Dub FX – Cvetlicarna Ljubljana – Infinite Reflection Tour
DUB FX prihaja v Ljubljano !!!
Dub FX, avstralski glasbenik, ulični performer in družbeni aktivist, napoveduje svojo 15. evropsko turnejo v podporo težko pričakovanemu prihajajočemu albumu “”Infinite Reflection””. Turneja se bo začela 21. septembra 2023 in obljublja čarobno doživetje za evropske oboževalce.
Dub FX je s svojo edinstveno mešanico loopinga v živo, beatboxa in vrhunske produkcije pridobil svetovno prepoznavnost, saj s svojimi izrazitimi in močnimi besedili spodbuja pozitivnost, enotnost in družbeno ozaveščenost. Njegov prihajajoči album “”Infinite Reflection””, ki slavi duhovite zvoke, ritme, ki se vrtijo po glavi, in pozitivna zavestna sporočila, bo izšel avgusta 2023.
“”Festivali so hudobni, a kratki … v klubih lahko raztegnem setlisto in ljudi zares popeljem na potovanje! Komaj čakam,”” je dejal Dub FX. Na evropski turneji bo nastopil na nekaterih najbolj znamenitih prizoriščih po vsej Evropi. Turneja obljublja dolgo serijo visokoenergijskih in poglobljenih koncertov, ki bodo oboževalce popeljali v drugo dimenzijo.
Ne zamudite priložnosti, da doživite Dub FX-ovo turnejo Infinite Reflection. Vstopnice so že v prodaji, več informacij pa najdete na uradni spletni strani skupine Dub FX.
Dub FX, the Australian musician, street performer, and social activist, is announcing his 15th European tour supporting his highly anticipated upcoming album “Infinite Reflection”. The tour is scheduled to kick off on September 21st, 2023, and promises to be a magical experience for European fans.
With his unique mix of live looping, beatboxing and world-class production, Dub FX has gained worldwide recognition for promoting positivity, unity, and social awareness through his distinct and powerful lyrics. His upcoming album, “Infinite Reflection”, celebrates soulful sounds, head-nodding beats, and positive, conscious messaging and is set to release in August 2023.
“Festivals are wicked but short… in the clubs, I get to stretch out the setlist and really take people on a journey! I can’t wait” said Dub FX. The European tour will see the man perform in some of the most iconic venues across Europe. The tour promises to be a long series of high-energy and immersive live shows that will transport fans to a different dimension.
Don’t miss the chance to experience Dub FX’s Infinite Reflection tour. Tickets are on sale now; more information can be found on Dub FX’s official website.